About Us

Mission Statement

The Canadian Mental Health Association - Kingston Branch is a community-based voluntary organization dedicated to restoring, enhancing and promoting the mental and emotional well-being of all individuals.  We strive to do this through public education, advocacy, social action, community development and direct service.

Our  Goals

  1. To promote mental health and contribute to the prevention of mental illness.
  2. To maintain and enhance our volunteer program.
  3. To promote acceptance and empowerment of individuals with mental health issues.
  4. To advocate for improvements in the mental health system and liaise with other mental health service providers, consumers and the community throughout Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington.
  5. To enhance branch governance and administration.

Our Values

C l i e n t   /   S y s t e m   F o c u s

Promotion and Prevention

We value the importance of promotion of mental health and prevention of mental illness.


We view participation and partnerships as essential to realizing our goals and objectives. Partnership is dependent upon shared values and the co-operative efforts of all those working towards a responsive and accessible mental health system.  Important partnerships include consumers/survivors, families, service providers and the community.

Community Integration

We are dedicated to removing the barriers that prevent people from fully participating in the life of the community. Community integration of all people is an essential prerequisite to the development of healthy communities.

Access to appropriate and adequate resources and supports

We believe that people require friendships and other informal supports. When formal supports are needed, people should be able to choose from a comprehensive range of mental health programs and services without undue delay and as close to their home community as possible.

Social Justice

We believe that social justice includes a commitment to a basic sense of fairness, a respect for differences among people, and that every human being deserves an equal opportunity in life.

G o v e r n a n c e  /  O p e r a t i o n s

Governance and Accountability

The Kingston Branch is guided by our shared mission, values, goals, objectives and is open to the highest standards of public scrutiny.  As a charitable organization, we are committed to using our funds responsibly.


We are committed to developing and maintaining the highest possible standards of management and operation to ensure that programs and services meet the needs and expectations of the community.


We believe that our day-to-day work must be true to our shared values and beliefs, dedicated to promoting public trust and a sense of confidence within our organization.


We respect differences among people with the right of every individual to make choices based on individual preferences.  Basic to self- determination is the right of people to be involved in decisions that affect their lives.


As an organization we promote innovative ideas and new ways of doing things that can assist in changing attitudes and meeting needs in the community.